Friday, 9 April 2010

In the Beginning

Well now, I really don't know how to start.
A blog, with currently no followers is rather like talking to oneself, and thats rather narcissistic, if not a tad insane after all, but whatever....

I guess my reasons would be a good place to begin.
Well I feel, as i am rapidly approaching my 25th birthday, I am on the brink of a major life change. For a long time now i have 'had plans'.

Too long.

Its in the getting these plans actually in motion where i seem to constantly fall down, however I'm getting older and am quickly realizing that if these plans are not realized soon they may never be and i will remain where i am; Earning low wages, having fun, getting drunk but achieving nothing of substance and not changing the world or leaving any considerable mark whatsoever.

That just will not do. That wont do at all.

So here we are, on the brink and this blog will act as a means to document it, keep me on track and motivate me not to fail. And also as an outlet for my various musings and happenings. Or a place to vent and spraff drivel. We shall see.

So these 'Plans' What are they. A more difficult question to answer that at first it may seem but heres a quick list.

  • Become a professional actor
Now I've been dabbling for a while and currently work as a full time actor/performer but its not the dream and note work of note that I'm actually proud of. I call myself an actor but really don't quite believe it myself yet. So what will this require; in brief getting head-shots, good experience, a good agent and in turn this requires
  • Getting in shape/peak physical condition
Yeah time to avoid becoming my father (fat) and get the body I've always known I could get but have always been too lazy to achieve. My little brother is looking hench and this only highlights that I've gone from fit and skinny, to flabby and unhealthy. I want more energy and to be healthier. So my passion for martial arts will be utilized!
  • Learn how to dance and sing
I want to become the Hyde I've always wanted to be and these are small things I've always wanted. I'm competent in both but want to be more confident in my skills and knowledge.
  • Learn hypnosis
Always had an interest, time to get serious.
  • Get a business started
A TiE business. I worked for the biggest TiE company in Europe and know I could do the same on a smaller scale. I need help however, need to visit a business adviser, find out exactly what is required, gather actors, and most importantly i think, find out if there is a viable market.

Now there are many more to add to the list.
Need to get back to writing my plays, screenplays and stories.
Need to get back to art, used to be quite a passion but its simply been to long.
Bring my completed works to life, too long have they been confined to paper and not on stage or screen.
I'm also just about to buy a permanent place in Edinburgh which will no doubt help with many of these undertakings but I have to put in the effort to get that sorted as my first step!!

I'm sure i will add more along with the ones I've forgotten here but thats a good start for now at least.

Well thats it for my first post. Here we go, I'm sure my future posts will be more frivolous and amusing but gotta be serious a least in the beginning right?

Now, thats quite enough talking to myself for now. Haircut is the first small step for Hyde, giant leap for...well me.

Bye for now (need to think of a better blog sign off!)

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